Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

School was gahgah today. Form Ex. fantastic videos. Gaudi, his works are uber sexy, or maybe it matches my taste, Ghotic style. WOOT!!!!! Another featured builiding was a Jew museum. it was an abstract, thats all i can conclude about it and i am quite positive that if i were to walk through the entire museum, breaking down was a 100%. the atmosphere, the way spaces are formed, how lights are introduced, how spaces are being with just made me feel emo. ( seeing the video only )

1200 - 1500 ( slept for about 1.5 hrs ). FORCED to take photo for EVD poster or what ever it is for. 6 dollars to purchase them. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. but like what ivy said, it will be memorial. so yupp worth the 6 dollars. and i owe billy 6 dollars X.X forgot to return.

Perry, for once i finally could understand what he was teaching. FOR ONCE. he taught perspective drawing, and i think it was rather cool. to actually draw it out just with the guide of a Plan ( top view ) and an elevation. sooooooooo why did i understood??? he was slow and kinda remind me of my DnT teacher. and it made me pay attention to him. but out of 100% of my understand, i got 10% from him, 20% from Bi Jun's second perspective and the rest from staring ay my notes trying to recall wad my DnT teacher once taught. Memories. haix.

World Of Warcraft.
SEVER MAINTANANCE. screw it. there goes my raid. guess it will be a DOTA/ idea generation night tonight. Below are some old school pictures that i didn't post over my past 2 months Blogging break ( lazy to post )

Regular MGT. died cause healer ignored me.

He was once my shaman. DELETED

This was the day where 2/3 of kara's hunter weapon dropped and i was the only hunter.

The only mount that owns a raptor. AMANI WAR BEAR

25 man raid. Getting ready for shade of AKAMA


Should have not did anything. Now i feel so weird. HOR ????

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